Following influencer advice will ruin your life
Sep 14, 2024Influencer advice isn’t designed for you.
It’s packaged to look like a shortcut to success: post more, engage more, be consistent, and everything will fall into place. But the truth? Their advice isn’t meant to help you build your own path. It’s meant to keep you chasing theirs.
And when it doesn’t work, you’re left thinking, what am I doing wrong? Spoiler: nothing.
Over the past five years, I’ve averaged over 15 million impressions annually. People often ask, “How do I do the same?” My answer? Don’t. Focus on your business. You don’t need to be an influencer to make real money.
Sure, selling marketing on social media looks easy - you’re talking to an audience that already wants marketing. But try selling something like leadership coaching or mindset development. It’s a different world. That’s why I designed my methodology for real businesses - businesses that don’t rely on chasing likes or followers to succeed.
Influencers? They’re not your baseline for success. They’re a distortion.
Influencers oversimplify the process
Influencers make it sound like success is just a formula. “Post consistently.” “Engage with your audience.” “Be authentic.” That’s it. But no, that’s not it.
Their success didn’t just come from these surface-level tactics. It came from being in the right place at the right time, riding algorithmic waves, and, most importantly, already having an audience ready to listen. But now, they want you to believe that you can follow their steps and get the same results. Spoiler: you can’t.
Building a real business? It’s about strategy, about knowing your market, about making decisions that fit your goals. Their advice? It doesn’t account for that. And that’s why it doesn’t work for you.
Their advice sets you up for frustration
Here’s the truth: influencer advice sets you up to feel like a failure. When you follow their advice and don’t see the same success, you’re left thinking, what did I miss?
Their advice is designed to work for them - not for you. It’s built on their audience, their specific niche. When their formula doesn’t work, it’s not because you didn’t try hard enough. It’s because their formula was never made for your business.
Their success isn’t your reality
“I went from zero to six figures in six months - here’s how you can too!”
How many times have you heard that? They make it sound easy. They make it sound like all you need to do is follow their path and you’ll be successful. But what they don’t show you is the full picture.
The reality? You’re only seeing their highlight reel.
What’s missing are the luck, algorithmic advantage, the hired help, the connections. Their rise wasn’t linear or as simple as they want you to believe. But when they wrap it up in a tidy success story, it sells.
Building something real, something sustainable? It’s messy. There’s trial and error. There are setbacks and pivots. Influencers gloss over all of that because it disrupts the fantasy of quick success they’re selling you.
Struggling to make something to work for 12 months doesn't sell as well as a 5 step plan and 30-day successes.
Influencers are gaslighting you
Here’s the real kicker: influencers are gaslighting you.
They say, “Just do what I did,” like their blueprint is universal. But they ignore the fact that your business, your audience, and your goals are different.
They tell you to “be authentic” or “share your journey,” because that’s what worked for them. But if your business is service-based, your clients don’t care about your backstory as much as they care about the results you can deliver.
Success isn’t as easy as they claim
For those who “make it”, the grind never stops. They’re constantly producing content, constantly staying relevant, and constantly chasing the next trend. It’s an exhausting cycle, but they won’t show you that part. There is a reason most full-time influencers barely make more than middle-level manager money.
Build your own success
Influencer advice works for influencers. That’s it. Their game, their rules.
But your business? You’re playing a different game entirely. You don’t need thousands of followers or viral content to succeed.
Forget their playbook. Start writing your own.
Focus on building trust with your clients. Deliver value. Foster real relationships. Success doesn’t come from copying someone else’s path - it comes from carving out your own.
Stop chasing someone else’s dream. Build your success.
That’s how you’ll get to where you really want to be.
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