Inbound social selling: the power of attraction

Inbound social selling: The power of attraction

social media marketing Aug 31, 2024

Inbound social selling is the most desired type of social media marketing.

It’s all about using content to attract, nurture, and convert your audience into paying customers. No shortcuts here - just the long game, building relationships, and creating content that keeps them coming back for more. While I might prefer a different approach, there’s no denying the allure of inbound when it’s done right.

What is inbound social selling?

At its core, inbound social selling is like the ultimate seduction: create content that draws your audience in, keeps them hooked, and gently guides them to where you want them - making a purchase. It’s a model that thrives on consistency, relevance, and a bit of finesse - especially when you’re selling lower-priced items or services. It’s all about creating that irresistible content that makes them want to see more of you.

  • Attract: First things first, catch their eye. Your content needs to hit them where it counts - their needs, desires, or curiosity. If you do it right, you’re not just making noise - you’re sparking a connection.

  • Nurture: Once they’re paying attention, don’t let them slip away. Keep the flame alive with content that builds trust and positions you as the expert they can’t resist. It’s about showing them you’re in it for the long haul, not just a quick fling.

  • Convert: When the moment’s right, your content should make saying "yes" the easiest decision they’ll make all day. Whether it’s through testimonials that turn up the heat or offers they simply can’t refuse, the goal is to convert at scale, especially with those lower-priced items.

Who thrives with inbound social selling?

Inbound social selling isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, but there are certain types of businesses, services, and products where it truly shines - especially when you’re dealing with lower-priced offerings. If you’re in any of the following categories, inbound might just be your best play:

  • Freelancers and Creatives: If you’re a freelancer or creative professional, like a graphic designer, photographer, or content creator, inbound social selling is your best friend. By consistently showcasing your portfolio, sharing tips, and engaging with your audience through blogs, social media, or YouTube, you attract clients who already see the value in your work. Your content builds trust and positions you as the go-to expert, making it easier to convert leads into paying customers.

  • Digital Products: Selling e-books, online courses, or apps? Inbound social selling is ideal for scaling your reach and converting a large audience without the need for one-on-one interactions. Educational content, like tutorials, webinars, and how-to guides, can demonstrate the value of your product, driving consistent sales and building a loyal customer base.

  • E-commerce Stores: Running an online store that sells low to mid-priced items, such as fashion accessories, home goods, or tech gadgets? Inbound social selling helps you create a steady stream of content that engages potential buyers. By sharing product demos, customer reviews, and lifestyle content, you create a community of shoppers who trust your brand and are more likely to make repeat purchases.

  • Niche Consumer Brands: If you’re in a specialised market - think vegan skincare, eco-friendly fashion, or artisanal foods - inbound social selling allows you to connect deeply with your target audience. By educating them about your niche, sharing your brand story, and showing how your product fits perfectly into their lifestyle, you build trust and loyalty. Your content becomes a powerful tool for creating brand advocates who spread the word.

  • Subscription Services: If you offer a subscription-based service - like a meal kit delivery, fitness programme, or streaming service - inbound social selling can help you grow your subscriber base. By offering engaging previews, tips, and exclusive content, you give potential customers a taste of what they’re missing out on, encouraging them to sign up. The ongoing relationship built through content keeps subscribers engaged and reduces churn.

  • Educational Platforms: Online learning platforms or tutoring services can thrive with inbound social selling. By providing valuable free resources, offering insights into course content, and sharing success stories from learners, you attract students who are eager to invest in their education. The more you can demonstrate the impact and value of your offerings through content, the more likely you are to convert interest into enrolment.

Inbound social selling works particularly well for businesses that rely on building relationships, educating their audience, and creating long-term engagement. If your product or service is low-ticket and benefits from a deeper understanding or requires customer trust before purchase, inbound is likely the best fit for you.

Content is the heart of inbound social selling

In inbound social selling, content is more than just an accessory - it’s the main event. It’s the thing that keeps them interested, engaged, and coming back for more. Here’s how to make sure your content is doing all the heavy lifting:

  • Educational content: Serve up value with a side of something tasty. Simplify complex ideas, tackle industry challenges, and leave them thinking, "I didn’t know I needed this, but now I can’t live without it!" The bigger your audience, the better your chances of turning them into customers.

  • Entertaining content: Be the life of the party, but keep it classy. A clever video or a witty post can catch their attention, but it needs to tie back to what you’re offering. Your goal? Make them want more, not just give them a good time.

  • Testimonial content: Show off your best assets - those success stories that make them swoon. Genuine, relatable social proof is what turns a growing audience into loyal customers.

  • Interactive content: Get them involved and keep the conversation going. Polls, challenges, Q&As - it’s all about building engagement that slowly but surely nudges them closer to making a move.

Inbound vs. hybrid social selling

Inbound social selling is all about making a big impression with stellar content. It’s like being the most charming person in the room - everyone’s drawn to you, and they can’t wait to hear what you’ll say next. But if you’re after something a bit more hands-on, hybrid social selling might be more your style. It’s not about which is better - it’s about knowing which approach is going to get you the result you’re after.

  • Less content, more relationships: In a hybrid model, content still plays a role, but the focus shifts to those one-on-one connections. This approach can be particularly effective with high-ticket items that benefit from a more personal touch - sometimes, it’s all about the direct approach.

Which approach suits your style?

  • Low-ticket sales: If you’re all about selling lower-priced items, inbound is your go-to. But remember, it only works if your content is hitting all the right spots. A big, engaged following is key to making this strategy work.

  • High-ticket sales: For the big-ticket items, the hybrid model often makes more sense. Content opens the door, but personal connections close the deal.

Inbound social selling is a powerful strategy for building a large audience and converting at scale. It’s all about using content that not only attracts but keeps them interested, engaged, and ready to buy. While it’s not the approach I usually take, I’ve got nothing but respect for those who do it well - when done right, it can be incredibly effective.

For those with high-ticket sales, you might find that a hybrid approach suits your needs better. This model combines the charm of engaging content with the intimacy of personal interactions to close deals faster and more effectively.

Whether you’re playing the long game with inbound or getting more personal with hybrid, know your audience, pick your strategy, and get ready to see some serious action.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution - just the right mix of tactics to help you succeed in your market.

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