What to put in your LinkedIn About Section

What to put in your LinkedIn About Section

linkedin May 17, 2024

In 2024, your LinkedIn About section has moved higher up on your profile, making it one of the first things people see when they visit. This shift underscores its importance in shaping how potential clients, partners, and employers perceive you. Yet, many still fall into the trap of treating this space like a traditional CV, listing career history and skills without realizing its true potential.

Your LinkedIn About section is not just a summary of your professional achievements; it’s a warm introduction to you, your company, and the services you offer. Think of it as your digital handshake—a chance to showcase your personality, highlight your expertise, and connect with your audience on a personal level.

Many struggle with knowing what to put in their LinkedIn About section. It can be challenging to strike the right balance between showcasing your expertise and connecting on a personal level. This article will guide you through crafting a compelling About section that not only highlights your skills and achievements but also resonates with your audience, making you stand out.

Start with a Hook

The first few lines are crucial. If they aren't interesting, nobody will read the rest of your About section. Your hook should clearly define the value and outcomes you deliver, making it immediately clear to your ideal client why they should keep reading. Think about your unique value proposition or a bold statement that sets you apart.

For example, "Helping tech start-ups achieve 50% growth in six months through targeted digital marketing and innovative sales strategies." This clarity and intrigue encourage your audience to learn more about you.

Tell Your Story

People want to work with those who understand their industry and challenges. Sharing your backstory shows that you’re not just a service provider but a partner who gets them.

Start with your personal "why."

For example, "Since I was young, I’ve been fascinated by how businesses grow and connect with their audiences. This fascination turned into a passion for digital marketing strategies that drive real, tangible results."

Explain how your journey has shaped your understanding of clients' challenges. "I started in the tech start-up world, where I quickly learned the struggles of working with limited budgets and high expectations. These early challenges taught me how to create powerful, cost-effective strategies that deliver results."

Show that you empathise with your clients’ struggles. "I know the pressure to achieve rapid results with minimal resources. This is why I develop tailored strategies that maximise impact without breaking the bank."

Highlight a defining moment that underscores your commitment. "One pivotal moment was when I helped a struggling tech start-up boost its market share by 50% through innovative marketing campaigns. This success cemented my belief in the power of data-driven strategies."

Connect your story to client successes. "I leveraged my start-up experience to help a mid-sized e-commerce business increase their online engagement by 200%. I bring the same dedication and problem-solving skills to every client relationship."

How to Tell Your Story:

  1. Start with a Personal Touch: Begin with a brief introduction that highlights your passion and enthusiasm for your field. For instance, you might mention how you discovered your interest in marketing or sales and what excites you about your work.

  2. Highlight Key Milestones: Identify significant moments in your career that have shaped your professional journey. These could include pivotal roles, major projects, or transformative experiences. For example, "After leading a successful marketing campaign that resulted in a 50% increase in sales, I realised my passion for helping businesses grow."

  3. Discuss Challenges and Learning Moments: Sharing challenges you’ve faced and how you overcame them can add depth to your story. It shows resilience and a willingness to learn and adapt. This can be particularly compelling to potential clients who appreciate transparency and problem-solving skills.

  4. Showcase Your Growth: Highlight how you’ve grown professionally over the years. This could involve new skills you’ve acquired, industries you’ve explored, or significant achievements. For instance, "Over the past decade, I’ve expanded my expertise from digital marketing to include comprehensive sales strategies, helping clients achieve a holistic approach to business growth."

  5. Connect to Your Audience: Relate your story to the needs and experiences of your potential clients. Demonstrate that you understand their challenges and are equipped to help them succeed. For example, "Having worked with numerous tech startups, I understand the unique challenges they face and am passionate about providing tailored solutions that drive measurable results."

What’s Relevant to Include:

  • Your Professional Journey: Key roles, experiences, and shifts in your career path.
  • Personal Motivations: What drives you in your profession and why you love what you do.
  • Significant Achievements: Milestones that have defined your career.
  • Learning Experiences: Challenges faced and how you overcame them.
  • Connection to Clients: How your story aligns with the needs of your target audience.

Why Sharing Your Story is Important:

  • Builds Trust: A personal story helps to build trust by showing the human side of your professional persona. It’s a way to demonstrate authenticity and integrity.
  • Creates Emotional Connection: Stories evoke emotions, and an emotional connection can be a powerful motivator for potential clients to choose your services.
  • Differentiates You from Competitors: Your unique story sets you apart from others in your field. It highlights what makes you different and why clients should choose you over others.
  • Demonstrates Passion and Commitment: Sharing why you do what you do and what drives you conveys your dedication and passion for your work, which can be very appealing to clients.

Highlight Your Expertise

This is your chance to showcase your skills and expertise. Be specific about what you do and how you do it. Mention the industries you specialise in, the types of clients you work with, and the results you've achieved. Incorporate social proof by referencing past successes and the impact you've had on your clients.

For example, "I have over a decade of experience helping tech start-ups scale their customer base through targeted digital marketing campaigns. My work has driven a 50% increase in lead generation for clients like [Client Name], and my content strategies have boosted engagement by 200% for companies such as [Client Name]."

Quantifiable achievements lend credibility. Highlight awards, recognitions, or successful projects. Use metrics to demonstrate your impact. For instance, "Led a team that increased lead generation by 50% in six months," or "Developed a content strategy that boosted engagement by 200%."

Testimonials add a layer of trust and social proof. There are several ways to effectively share them:

  • Direct Quotes: Include brief, impactful quotes from satisfied clients or colleagues. Ensure these quotes are attributed properly.
  • Case Studies: Provide links to detailed case studies that highlight specific challenges and how you addressed them successfully.
  • News or Press Stories: Link to articles or press releases that mention your work or highlight significant achievements. This can provide additional credibility and context.

For example: "Jane Doe, CEO of [Company Name], said, 'Working with [Your Name] has been transformative for our business. Their strategies increased our sales by 30% in just three months."

Explain your Services

A crucial element of your LinkedIn About section is detailing your company's services, who you serve, and how you benefit your clients. This information helps potential clients understand exactly what you offer and how you can help them achieve their goals. Clearly outline your services, specifying the problems you solve and the value you provide. For example, if you offer digital marketing services, explain how your strategies increase online visibility, generate leads, and drive sales.

Make sure to highlight who your ideal clients are. Whether you work with tech start-ups, SMEs, or established corporations, be explicit about your target audience. This helps potential clients see that you understand their specific needs and challenges.

Emphasise the benefits your clients experience. Use real examples and metrics to demonstrate the positive outcomes of your work. This not only builds credibility but also shows potential clients the tangible value of your services.

Include a Call to Action

Don’t leave readers hanging. Encourage them to take the next step. Whether it’s connecting with you, visiting your website, or setting up a consultation, a clear call to action is essential. 

Don’t leave readers hanging. Encourage them to take the next step. Your call to action should be clear, direct, and tailored to your goals. Here are a few examples of effective calls to action:

  • "Let's connect to discuss how we can achieve [x] together."
  • "Visit my website to learn more about how I can help you [x]."
  • "Schedule a free consultation to explore tailored [x] for your company."
  • "Follow me for regular insights and updates on [x]."
  • "Check out my portfolio to see examples of my work and client success stories."

Each of these prompts guides the reader towards a specific action that fosters engagement and builds relationships.

Keep It Conversational

Your About section should reflect your personality. Write as you speak—warm, approachable, and professional. Remember, this is not a formal bio but a social media version, which allows for a more informal tone while still maintaining professionalism. Avoid jargon and overly formal language. Remember, you’re trying to build relationships.

Update Regularly

Your LinkedIn profile isn’t a set-and-forget tool. Regularly update your About section to reflect your latest achievements, skills, and goals. This keeps your profile fresh and relevant.

Example Structure:

  • Opening Hook: Clearly define the value and outcomes you deliver to intrigue your ideal client.
  • Personal Story: A brief narrative about your journey in marketing or sales.
  • Expertise: Detailed description of your skills and industries you work with, with references to past successes and client impacts.
  • Services: Explain in simple terms who and how you help your clients.
  • Call to Action: Encourage readers to connect or take the next step. 

Your LinkedIn About section is a powerful tool in your marketing and sales arsenal. Crafting it thoughtfully can open doors to new opportunities and connections. Remember to be authentic, clear, and engaging. It's your chance to educate your prospective clients. It's your chance to really connect.

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